Sunday, 29 November 2015

New Blog name: A Peaceful Homemaker

Summer is making it's presence known even though summer hasn't yet officially arrived. There have been late afternoon storms with not much in way of rain. The surrounding towns around us have had a few wild storms but our town hasn't received anything to speak about. The heat is defiantly here though. 

I've been pottering around at home trying to stay cool. I started up embroidering a pair of pillow cases from a set of vintage embroidery designs I have. The pillow cases are thrifted and cost a dollar for the pair. The vintage designs came from a lot on Etsy and cost very little as it wasn't a complete set. I coloured the bows in using Crayola crayons and they cost about $3 a packet. To learn more about crayon tinting embroidery I have a lesson: Introduction to crayon tinting.
I think these pillow cases will be a very pretty and frugal make when finished. 

I've also made a slight change to my blog. I've been at my blog now since 2012 and used Vintage Papery for that long. My blog originally was just going to be used for paper crafting, over the years the focused has changed towards more home based living and crafting. I still do paper crafting but not as much. I think this blog has out grown the name Vintage Papery and was time to change the name.

All this means is I decided to have a different blog name to be more about the post I currently do. My blog is now: A peaceful Homemaker and the URL is:
I will have to change my links below the banner so they will link properly. 

If you have been following me under Vintage Papery, you'll probably have re-follow me under a peaceful homemaker for my posts to show up on your feed.

I thought it much better to change the url than start up a whole new blog.  I think the new name suits now. 

I hope every one is having a good day or evening where ever you are.


  1. Shiralee, that is a lovely blog name. I will change my feed thingy so I get your latest posts.

  2. I have changed my feed 'thingy' too Shiralee. I like the new name.

  3. Welcome Peaceful, I'll enjoy reading you. How lovely the new 'do' is.
