Sunday 25 February 2018

Cottage Journal - Home Appreciation

I've been sorting through things I have. I don't have a lot of expensive things and a lot of my items are still packed away in boxes for me when I go into my 'one day home of my own'. For now I'm learning to appreciate the home I'm in and making my rooms ( a bed room and small office) a cozy temporary nest.

I'm wise about what I'm keeping. I've always been a book lover and I love the older books that are DIY with content.

I've had this crochet scarf - a long skinny scarf I found at the thrift store and never new what to do with it after the novelty of wearing it wore off. I've found the best place for it is to use it as a shelf trim. 

I'm also playing with paper scraps at the moment, the frilly little looking card on top of the boxes is a 'Zine ( a mini magaZINE), using up my scraps.

I have a collection of vintage women's home magazines which I intend to start sharing here on my blog. I'm going to re-create the patterns and recipes that are in the pages and show some of the advertising. The magazines I have are from the late 40's right up to the late 90's and beyond. Although, I no longer really buy new magazines as they seem too expensive with very little content. I'm staying with the ones deemed 'vintage', Etsy declares anything that is 20 years old is now vintage. I suddenly feel ancient!

I may not have a lot items and a lot of them are hand me downs, thrifted, and rarely new. I make do with what I do have. The best thing to do when you're given a life of seconds is to make sure everything is organised nicely and it actually has a purpose. Even if it is to look pretty.

I hope everyone is having a good day or evening where ever you are.


  1. I loved seeing your vintage treasures. For me, I love something old versus new. It's cold here in southern California which is unusual for us. I hope you have a great week. Pat xx

  2. Pat,
    We are having unusual weather here too, hot then cold, lots of rain. We should be heading into our winter.
