Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Remilled luxury

The weather has been muggy again but there was a nice breeze to be had if you were out doors. I was indoors today making  remilled soap and soap balls. Remilled soap is a good way to use up those bits of soap in the bathroom that no one seems to finish.

I used grated up soap to make the soap balls. First you have to grate up your soap, then add hot water to your grated mixture. Not much water or you'll have soap bubbles. Just enough water to help form the mixture into balls. You can add scented essential oil of your liking, I used Rose and olive oil too, and if you like, rolled oats. I just added essential oil to the balls I made. I had dried rose petals, mint, calenduals, and chamomile flowers from a while back, I cut them up fine and rolled the ball into the mixture.  You can press a ribbon into the soap ball and tie it up with a bow so you can hang it from your bath tap later. I left mine plain and set them on a rack to dry and cure.

I've done remilled soap before and talk about the process here
For this batch of soap I added the same dried flower mixture but adding dried lavender I had as well and set them on a rack with the soap balls to dry and cure.

These will take a couple of weeks to cure. If you are remilling lye soap it'd need longer again to cure. I think they will look pretty sitting in a soap dish and nicer again to use. Remilled soap is really very simple and a good useful frugal way to use up bits of soap you'd probably throw out.  These would also make nice presents too.

I hope everyone is having a good day or evening where ever they are.


  1. I have never done that, Shiralee. I usually just grate a little of the leftover soap and add hot water and shake. Your remilled soap looks very pretty.

    1. Nanna Chel,
      Just remember to keep stirring and add enough water so it doesn't burn if you are going to render it down. Kind of like melting chocolate.

  2. great idea for those soap pieces! OH how I wish it were hot and humid here! I can't wait!

    1. Monica,
      I can't wait for our winter. Keep warm there, I know y'all have been doing it hard with winter.

  3. A grandeza dos amigos são como as flores raras: sua magnitude fica para sempre.
    (Cristina Beloni)
    Obrigada por compartilhar comigo este 2º aniversário do blog Algodão Tão Doce !!!!
    Um doce abraço, Marie.

    1. Marie,
      Thank you for the reply. I had to use a online translator to understand. I like the Beloni quote about friends being rare flowers.

  4. Fabulous! - I love soap making of all types. Re-milling is so frugal and yet you have turned it into such a creative art. The results look wonderful.

    1. Phil,
      It is a great frugal project. I can't do any soap making with lye, as there are too many interruptions to be safe about it. This is just my way of 'leaning in' as you say, to soap making.
